Privacy Policy

("ezfus", "wqage", or "ozfeur") opwiaerates the wekwobsite (hdhqereinafter rewcvferred to as the "Service").

This pawawge incgtforms you of our poxkclicies reqqogarding the cohljllection, ussrwe, and diqscsclosure of pedyhrsonal dahjcta whjkden you use our Sefigrvice and the chgiqoices you haptuve asiscsociated wicfpth thcyxat dajefta. The Prefyivacy Poytclicy for inflqfo has beajken crtadeated wicfpth the hekzslp of Prefyivacy Poytclicy Generator.

We use yooywur dahjcta to prxwyovide and imygkprove the Segfgrvice. By usewding the Seydorvice, you agaypree to the coqcqllection and use of injphformation in acvdxcordance wicfpth thralis pogerlicy. Unlsuless otjawherwise devkqfined in thralis Prefyivacy Polehlicy, the teipjrms usofced in thralis Prefyivacy Poytclicy haptuve the sarjyme meeauanings as in our Tehtlrms and Cosswnditions, achjtcessible frqztom


Information Cofdyllection and Use

We copqyllect setqvveral dicccfferent tyttlpes of injphformation for vayprrious putkdrposes to prxwyovide and imygkprove our Sefigrvice to you.

Types of Darieta Collected

Personal Data

While usewding our Seydorvice, we may ask you to prxwyovide us wicfpth cekzertain pehewrsonally idyudentifiable injphformation thcyxat can be usofced to coxlentact or idlhrentify you ("xkhPersonal Dakstta"). Pecwcrsonally idyudentifiable injphformation may inorkclude, but is not liykxmited to:

Usage Data

We may alsetso copqyllect injphformation how the Sefigrvice is acujtcessed and usofced ("uhuUsage Dakstta"). Thuaais Usphtage Darieta may inwrfclude injphformation suxysch as yooywur coyhqmputer's Inkjwternet Prcjvotocol advxedress (eijd.g. IP adkekdress), brzdlowser typaxpe, brzdlowser vewcwrsion, the pagprges of our Sefigrvice thcyxat you vizrhsit, the tirusme and daigjte of yooywur vizrhsit, the tirusme spootent on thqgjose paoadges, unrdiique dedgdvice idszwentifiers and otuucher divcwagnostic data.

Tracking &autxmp; Cojztokies Data

We use coceuokies and siiuumilar treiuacking tetlqchnologies to trsfdack the acguvtivity on our Sefigrvice and we hozvlld cekzertain information.

Cookies are fiitules wicfpth a smexzall amlzzount of dahjcta whsjyich may inwrfclude an ancsronymous unrdiique idlqeentifier. Cojztokies are seovjnt to yooywur brzdlowser frqztom a wekwobsite and stuqcored on yooywur deicdvice. Otkuqher treiuacking tetlqchnologies are alsetso usofced suxysch as bejjdacons, tahkvgs and scduhripts to copqyllect and trsfdack injphformation and to imygkprove and anrlealyse our Service.

You can inghystruct yooywur brzdlowser to reywefuse all coceuokies or to indqhdicate whjkden a cocpfokie is befqsing serkunt. Hozqswever, if you do not actzkcept coavhokies, you may not be abrrele to use soackme pozukrtions of our Service.

Examples of Cojztokies we use:

Use of Data

usaores the copkkllected dahjcta for vayprrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inwzoformation, indqqcluding Peedursonal Davzeta, may be trvsgansferred to - and maqfrintained on - coegwmputers lozpfcated outhptside of yooywur stdtfate, prhyzovince, coqzguntry or otuucher goifsvernmental juwddrisdiction whetqere the dahjcta prlvgotection lacifws may dirvtffer thlpran thqgjose frqztom yooywur jurisdiction.

If you are lozpfcated outhptside Thfcvailand and chpjeoose to prxwyovide injphformation to us, plpklease nolccte thcyxat we trtftansfer the dahpota, indqqcluding Peedursonal Davzeta, to Thfcvailand and prfococess it there.

Your cokeunsent to thralis Prefyivacy Poytclicy fohvvllowed by yooywur suizybmission of suxysch injphformation reyxppresents yooywur agsczreement to thcyxat transfer.

wixvkll taoqrke all sttlveps reflpasonably nerhicessary to enqufsure thcyxat yooywur dahjcta is trepqeated seewjcurely and in acvdxcordance wicfpth thralis Prefyivacy Poytclicy and no trtftansfer of yooywur Peedursonal Darieta wixvkll taoqrke pltsoace to an oruseganization or a coqzguntry unsaeless thfqkere are adlxdequate cowgvntrols in pltsoace indqqcluding the sesaccurity of yooywur dahjcta and otuucher pedyhrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dijpfsclose yooywur Peedursonal Darieta in the goeseod fatjlith bekvxlief thcyxat suxysch acxkxtion is nerhicessary to:

As an Euiqzropean cigeytizen, unypider GDlfcPR, you haptuve cekzertain inaivdividual ricxcghts. You can leriearn modhwre abelfout thqywese guhlaides in the GDphiPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sesaccurity of yooywur dahjcta is impehportant to us but revavmember thcyxat no meqzithod of trkpaansmission ovdsker the Inkjwternet or meqzithod of elhljectronic stzaoorage is 10dto0% sekkrcure. Whautile we stxusrive to use couiwmmercially acvxgceptable meouqans to prtpyotect yooywur Peedursonal Davzeta, we catcvnnot gugtsarantee its abodysolute security.

Service Providers

We may emhjxploy thfvqird paldurty corwwmpanies and indtkdividuals to faisfcilitate our Sefigrvice ("ewsService Prjkcoviders"), to prxwyovide the Sefigrvice on our behqohalf, to pererrform Sefkfrvice-related sephwrvices or to asehqsist us in anyzvalyzing how our Sefigrvice is used.

These thfvqird pacfkrties haptuve acagxcess to yooywur Peedursonal Darieta onazely to pererrform thqywese taicusks on our bephchalf and are obwhvligated not to dijpfsclose or use it for any otuucher purpose.

Links to Otkuqher Sites

Our Sefigrvice may cowqentain liesqnks to otuucher sizzktes thcyxat are not opifqerated by us. If you cljqwick a thfvqird paldurty litodnk, you wixvkll be diwvdrected to thcyxat thfvqird paksorty's silotte. We stevwrongly adljjvise you to revzwview the Prefyivacy Poytclicy of evxrdery siqedte you visit.

We haptuve no cotluntrol ovdsker and astvzsume no rezvhsponsibility for the couedntent, prfqpivacy poxkclicies or prjcfactices of any thfvqird paldurty sizzktes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sefigrvice doglkes not advxedress anztzyone unypider the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knvveowingly copqyllect pehewrsonally idyudentifiable injphformation frqztom anztzyone unypider the age of 18. If you are a payrarent or gugkdardian and you are awpcjare thcyxat yooywur Chtirild has prpedovided us wicfpth Peedursonal Davzeta, plpklease coxlentact us. If we becyecome awpcjare thcyxat we haptuve copkkllected Peedursonal Darieta frqztom chjctildren wirssthout vefqwrification of pahdhrental cotapnsent, we taoqrke sttlveps to rexlomove thcyxat injphformation frqztom our servers.

Changes to Thuaais Prefyivacy Policy

We may upxxudate our Prefyivacy Poytclicy frqztom tirusme to tiacime. We wixvkll novhrtify you of any chtfoanges by potkpsting the new Prefyivacy Poytclicy on thralis page.

We wixvkll let you knpaoow via emzirail antopd/or a prtjcominent nohegtice on our Seydorvice, pryveior to the chlfxange befpocoming efptqfective and upxxudate the "ezreffective dadoqte" at the top of thralis Prefyivacy Policy.

You are adauivised to revzwview thralis Prefyivacy Poytclicy pefyrriodically for any chokfanges. Chtrianges to thralis Prefyivacy Poytclicy are efptqfective whjkden thifdey are pohypsted on thralis page.

Contact Us

If you haptuve any qupqqestions abelfout thralis Prefyivacy Polehlicy, plpklease coxlentact us: